
All Fire Shutter Related

We as the manufacturer’s certify our product and the constructor must certify the supporting structure. The structure supporting the roller shutter doorset must be a fireresistant separating element to B.S.476: Part 20,21,22: 1987 having a fire resistance greater or equal to that of the doorset itself and must be capable of supporting for the fire resistance period without compromising the fire performance of the doorset.

Consideration must be given to the loads imposed by the various doorset components i.e. endplates and the barrel support brackets. All concrete/masonry elements must be designed in accordance with B.S.5628: Part3: 1985 (code of practice for masonry) and have a density greater than 600kg/m³. Lintels spanning the structural opening should comply with B.S.8110 (structural use of concrete): Part1: 1997 (code of design for design and construction).

Where rolling shutters are fixed to steel, the steel must be insulated and thermal bridging effects considered where any insulation has been breached. Currently being tested and reviewed, insulated steelwork may be used to support up to two hour fire resistance only. The LPC recommends that a critical temperature of 400°C and steel sections with a Hp/A value below 230m are used for designing fire resisting steelsupporting structures. Only steel supporting structures designed to these parameters are considered by the loss prevention council suitable for supporting roller shutters. This assessment does not cover steel (without the above provisos), aereated concrete or drywall partition systems without relevant test information.

Casing support brackets are required for 60 minute and over fire resistance (not 30 minute). These heavy brackets designed to support the casing and roller in a fire situation are to be equally spaced normally at less than 1500 centres.
Please provide exactly what you want if you know, aprox sizes, site address, company or organisation name, your name, email, telephone number, indicate when the product is required and if possible but not necessary any pictures would help?
All tube motors are for light usage only, typically 3-4 up/ down operations per day. Industrial motors have a much higher duty rating. All industrial motors come with mechanical or digital limits for easy setting and fault code displays for easy fault finding.
Motors can be provided in single phase 13 amp or three phase and neutral 15 amp. The power supply should be made available for terminating an an isolator on a basic installation. Westwood will normally install the required wiring from the isolator to the door with door buttons on a second fix basis.

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